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Deep Dive into Mechanical Arm Cost Recovery

As businesses face today's labor shortage challenge, many turn to mechanical arms to alleviate the issue. Yet, financial pressures continue to burden most. How should we understand the concept of mechanical arm cost recovery and its calculation methods? SanJet will unlock the mysteries of mechanical arm automation, aspiring to be your invaluable productivity enhancer.

︱ Mechanical arms cannot fully replace human operations and still require supervision or assistance

Before delving into cost recovery discussions, we must acknowledge that in most scenarios, mechanical arms cannot entirely substitute human workers. Although manual labor decreases, it doesn't disappear entirely. Nevertheless, mechanical arms can execute repetitive tasks day in and day out, 24/7.

Therefore, when evaluating whether the return on investment (ROI) of mechanical arms aligns with operational needs, one must consider deployment costs and benefits comprehensively. This includes upfront costs, installation, maintenance, integration with other machines and equipment, programming, peripheral devices (grippers or sensors, mechanical arm controllers), and any safety modifications.

︱ SanJet's Mechanical Arm Selection

In recent years, SanJet has introduced two different types of mechanical arms: three-axis mechanical arms and SCARA mechanical arms, each catering to different needs. The specifics are outlined below:



︱ How is the cost recovery time of mechanical arms calculated?

When calculating the recovery time, the cost of implementing mechanical arms is divided by the saved labor costs to determine the mechanical arm's cost recovery time.

Here's a practical case study demonstrating how to calculate the mechanical arm's cost recovery time.


︱ Obtain the Mechanical Arm Cost Recovery Calculation Sheet

If you're considering implementing automated mechanical arms, SanJet will use advanced automation technology to enhance your efficiency and competitiveness. Please feel free to contact us for assistance.

To obtain the mechanical arm cost recovery time calculation sheet, please email us.